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What is condensation?

Condensation in caused when moisture in the atmosphere comes in to contact with a cold surface. This can cause lots of issues including dampness and damp.  

How can I reduce condensation in my home?

Internal Condensation

Bathroom: Obviously the bathroom creates a lot of moisture. Try and keep showers short and turn down the temperature slightly.  I you have a window, open it. To get the maximum effect this should be done before during and after (15-20 minutes).  If you can dry towels and bathmats outside.  Keep the door closed.

Kitchen: This is the second biggest source due to Items that produce steam e.g kettles and saucepans. If you have an extractor use it all the time you are cooking and if you can open a window. Keep the door closed if possible 

Laundry: Try and dry washing outside - not always easy with out climate.  If using radiators and airers this will increase condensation. You might want to invest in a dryer but this will increase your electric bill.  

New windows

New windows may even increase the amount of condensation in your home.  Why?

“When condensation occurs on thermally efficient windows, it means they are doing their job!” FENSA

New windows are designed to minimise heat/air loss - but this also means the moisture doesn't escape. 

Why do my windows have condensation on the outside?

External Condensation

External condensation is a sign that your windows are working well.  The heat is being kept within your home and the outer pane of glass is colder, when the temperature outside drops condensation develops.

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